We are looking for simple yet impactful ideas that will benefit people across the whole island.
CAN - CY is an interactive civic engagement project which aims to improve meaningful participation of young people in socio-political and economic life in Cyprus.
Through this platform people share their ideas in the form of short video clips that can nurture constructive citizenship among youth and intergenerational partnership; and their visions towards a more inclusive and prosperous future (e.g. digital and environmental innovations, equal access to services, advancement economic opportunities, human rights, etc.).
We hope to first piece together a roadmap and then to find ways to implement it. Ideas will be solution-oriented and action based (eg. material or immaterial investments, trainings, events, policies, reforms, structured dialogue, etc.). They should be easily implementable and achievable within 6-12 months without big sums of money.
Finally, we want to highlight that this is not a competitive process. Our aim is to shortlist the 50 most popular ideas in Pusula and then transfer them into the Idea Prism app where we can offer the necessary support to refine and calibrate these ideas into intelligent and implementable proposals. We will help the authors of the ideas to mingle, merge and collaborate towards realisation of their ideas. During this second stage, the general public will be invited to evaluate the impact, feasibility and implementation of the proposals. We will then consolidate all ideas and proposals into a Roadmap document with recommendation and disseminated to the relevant decision makers and groups such as municipalities, ministries, embassies, chambers and so forth.
Once the ideation phase is completed, the 50 most popular ideas in Pusula will be transfered the Idea Prism app through which their authors will be supported to turn their ideas into S.M.A.R.T.er proposals (Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Relevant, Time-bounded). The public will be invited to evaluate ideas for Impact, Feasibility, and Probability of happening without intervention, by scoring ideas from 1-5 through Idea Prism. The scores will allow for identification of the top 25 proposals. The authors of the top 25 proposals will be invited to participate in a face-to-face event based on a Structured Democratic Dialogue Process (SDDP) to structure their proposals into an Influence Map. The event will be broadcasted live on social media to allow the general public to ask questions or post comments.
* If you wish to submit your idea anonymously, please register using an alias. In doing so, please take note of the platform's Rules of Engagement. Users' content is closely monitored to ensure that everyone within this community feels welcome and respected.
** When filling in the idea submission form, please make sure that you chose the campaign ‘Civic Action Now - Cyprus’ from the Campaign dropdown menu.
*** By submitting your idea you consent for the use of your personal data. Please check here to read the CAN-CY consent form.
The CAN-CY project benefits from a grant under the Active Citizens Fund Cyprus programme, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, through the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021.
No comments Created Date:27/01/2023
I envision a Cyprus where wild life and nature are sustainably preserved, through bicommunal initiatives.
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No comments Created Date:24/02/2023
My dream for the future is to have an earthquake assessment done independently from construction companies for all buildings in Cyprus.
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No comments Created Date:04/01/2023
In a future Cyprus I see community togetherness
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No comments Created Date:14/12/2022
My vision is for Cyprus to have a healthy environment for birds
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This proposal has been archived and can not receive further support.
No comments Created Date:20/02/2023
My dream for the future is for common celebrations and national days for both sides of Cyprus.
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No comments Created Date:04/01/2023
People to be more aware about the climate crisis
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No comments Created Date:14/12/2022
Cyprus will have more nature protected areas, there are established laws, and the state wants to protect these areas
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No comments Created Date:09/11/2022
A more gender equal Cyprus, especially in politics. More representation of women and LGBTI+ communities in politics, mainstreaming and empowerment.
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1 comment Created Date:14/12/2022
Parks where children can play but also learn about different topics.
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