Pusula / Ππούσουλας

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Twin Families

Help Cyprus find its direction while bringing your ideas to life!
georgekatsaris georgekatsaris       1 comment    Created Date: 14/03/2020

Proposal code: Pusula / Ππούσουλας-2020-03-86

Twinning Greek-Cypriot & Turkish-Cypriot families in order to promote cultural understanding and bonding

There have been times when twinning families have already been applied as a practice in the past. One example is the Jugoslavian war when there was a program between war areas and several countries, creating twin families and mainly giving the opportunitiy to children of the Jugoslavien families to go and stay for some time, months or years, with the twin family abroad, in order to go out of the war and be able to go to school, develop and of course survive. This twinning created also a special bonding between families that sometimes lasted for ever after the war was over and changed the lives and mind of the people involded, giving new perspective not only to the Jugoslavian families but also to the other side. 

My proposal is to give the opportunity to families from Greek & Turkisch Cypriot sides become twin, create bonds, meet and act in cooperation in any field. Maybe families may be able to choose each other so that they find others with similar interests or even similar job interests, so maybe this could lead to evene economic bonding or new enterprises and new ideas. Maybe one idea could be the touristic hospitality of other nationalities by Greek-Turkish Cypriot families which could be very interesting for several tourists, which tourists, if they are attracted from such an idea, probably will be intellectual people who could bring and leave more ideas and progress in the island.  

At least, one thing that is sure is that the implementation of such an idea will promote peace & friendship among the two nationalities of Cyprus.