Proposal code: Pusula / Ππούσουλας-2022-10-175
In the future women will not have to wear bra all day. For more women to feel comfortable to breastfeed in public space, and for more awareness on media and social media.
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I don't think it's only to "motivate women" as the moderator suggests. It's more to EDUCATE/CHANGE MEN AND SOCIETY. It's not that most women have a choice. If they don't wear a bra they be treated differently. Often they are facing annoyances and disadvantages in job and social life.
Also what is not mentioned here. Also on the beach it should be come normal for women to enjoy the sun topless just like men. We were at this point already in the past, in the 80ies and 90ties at some of the tourist beaches. Unfortunately, backwards mentality stroke (just as in many places in the world)