Pusula / Ππούσουλας

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I AM A REAL CYPRIOT MAN - less talk and more action via social media sharing

Equality Makes Sense
rvakis rvakis       No comments    Created Date: 07/04/2022

Proposal code: Pusula / Ππούσουλας-2022-04-154

Make a call for all men in Cyprus to SHOW their actual behaviors via a picture of video in their social media account promoting publicly healthy behaviors.

The truth is that many men in Cyprus understand what gender equality means. Let's get them out of their shells!! This campaign will ask all men on the island to share via a picture of video in the Pusula FB page and their own socil media pages an actual behavior that they do in their daily life to showcase gender equality. Examples can include behaviors that show how men:

- Do their fair share of household chores in their homes (cooking, cleaning)

- Are great fun loving parents (playing, feeding, studying)

- Supporting their spouses in a way that empowers them be more productive at work

- Confronting publicly chauvinistic, sexist or racist attitudes in the community 

- Sharing reflections on their own assumptions about gender equality to help others understand that none of us is immune to biased attitudes

As part of these examples, a meter could be designed to count how many hours or days do men in Cyprus actually do these positive role model behaviors, showcasing to all people on the island that this is happening already and that we can all do this together as a community.

An ad-on (that is probably important as we should not forget women's role in this!) could ask women to share in a similar fashion what they also do to support gender equality (either themselves or their spouse).

Adapting this to the LGBTQIA+ community can be easily extended.

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